According to: HIGH ACHIEVEMENT TODAY, by Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began over 3 months ago, our “usual” lifestyles have dramatically changed. We have had to practice new habits of thinking, interacting, creativity and relating to friends and loved ones. Until we have a vaccine or develop a “herd immunity,” the nature of our lifestyles will never return to “normal.” We will adapt to a “new normal.” How can we attain the goals we have held prior to the pandemic? How can we achieve the outcomes we may have had before COVID-19 affected, and possibly changed them? To address those questions, below I have written 25 habits of high achievement. Some may be new to you. You may have developed some of them before adapting to the pandemic. But, all of them can serve you well as you adjust to your personal “new normal.”
Over the past 35 years, scientific research of high achievement has identified at least 23 patterns of behavior (habits) which not only indicate high intelligence about successful attainment, but also provide a map to guide you in creating habits that result in your creating any new outcomes you desire. We have categorized these habits into five sections: mental habits; emotional habits; behavioral habits; financial habits; and spiritual habits.
1. All high-achievers first imagine their desired outcomes in rich, sensory detail. They translate every image into WRITTEN images containing visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory and emotional descriptions of what they want. They revisit and revise their images on a regular basis.
2. High-Achievement Intelligence (HAI) is characterized by disciplined application of mental habits. High-achievers engage in sustained, focused effort toward the manifestation of their imagined outcomes, without needing to experience immediate results. They are patient and persistent in building a foundation for the success they desire. They never give up because goal-attainment seems like too much effort. If something becomes effortful, they look for more energy-efficient, alternative ways of achieving their desired outcome(s).
3. Highly successful people never top learning. They keep their minds open and receptive to new knowledge. They are highly desirous of learning new facts and increasing their knowledge base. They remain curious and attentive. They study, read, and seek out new information. They read biographies of successful people, and learn from observation and interaction with others how to apply what they know to practical, everyday living.
4. High-achievers habitually look for new ways of seeing things. They turn problems and setbacks into opportunities to learn more. They learn from, and are motivated by the mistakes and errors they make. They transform mistakes into learning tools. They conceive defeats as self-strengthening. They maintain an attitude of confidence, hope and “positivity.” They easily make personal perceptual paradigm shifts.
5. They develop and maintain an “attitude of gratitude.” They realize that attending to anything with gratitude, strengthens it and increases the likelihood it will be repeated. Someone once said, “gratitude is the ultimate attitude of receivership.”
1. High achievers continually confront and overcome their own fears and defensiveness. They know that fear paralyzes and limits them from creating their own success. They use fear-based energy to move them toward goal attainment.
2. High achievers take full responsibility for the consequences of their choices and actions. They are inner-directed and remain independent of the need for approval/ acceptance of others for motivation. They are self-starters.
3. They develop high-quality, lasting relationships. They surround themselves with people who are positive, and offer emotional nourishment. They view themselves and others as having intrinsic worth. They value closeness to their spouse, children and family. They are exquisitely aware that success at interpersonal relationships is essential to success in any other endeavor, and that any attainment never compensates for failure at interpersonal relationships.
4. Highly successful people are aware of their own (now unconscious) habits which are irrelevant, self-defeating or hazardous to attaining what they want. They seek out, develop and practice alternative habits which work better for them to create their desired outcomes. They plan for the future, learn from mistakes and develop confidence in “living in the present moment.” They act as if each minute is an irreplaceable miracle.
5. They seek out, and ask for, constructive feedback. When they are criticized, they look at the criticism without feeling rejected, becoming angry or feeling “put down.” If they find the criticism accurate or useful, they incorporate it in their thinking. If the feedback is inaccurate or vengeful, they dismiss it without reacting to it. They utilize constructive feedback as vital to maximizing personal growth and learning, and take actions necessary to improve their behavior, skills and attitudes.
6. High-achievers are “other oriented.” They are habitually making others think and feel more positively about themselves. They exhibit the qualities of the “servant leader.” They attract others to them by bringing out the best of others. They follow the principles of attraction rather than manipulation or seduction. They maintain their own integrity (wholeness), and remain true to themselves, in all their relationships.
BEHAVIORAL HABITS 1. Stress management.
2. Maximizing their wellness.
3. Healthy nutritional habits.
4. Regular aerobic exercise.
5. Energy rejuvenation through dormancy (sleep).
1. Create a reserve.
2. Income is not just for spending.
3. Awareness of monetary expenditures and resources.
4. Creating career security by “going the extra mile,” bringing more value to the employer than monetarily compensated for.
5. Awareness of the power of “giving” and the “law of compensation.”
1. Understanding the nature of meaningful co-incidence, and the power of
2. Engaging in contemplation, reflection, meditation and dreaming about
where they’ve been, where they are now and where they are headed.
3. Discovering a life-purpose and meaningful actions congruent with that
4. Awareness of a power, energy or godlike presence which is greater
than self.
Today, as all of us are adapting to a “new normal” after the pandemic is diminishing, we may want to practice many of the above “new” habits. Doing so will make our lives more fulfilling and will strengthen our ability to create a personal lifestyle that we enjoy…even love.